Sunday, November 8, 2009

It's been a while since my last post . . .

We have been spending every possible moment working on our building and seems like it is taking forever. We are working on the steel now and getting what the 2 of us can do by ourselves. Sometimes on the weekend, we enlist some help. We pretty much have the interior framing done but can't finish it until we are watertight. The steel is going up slowly, thanks to the ever present wind we have. Seems like it is calm during the week but come the weekend when we have more time, the winds kick up.

Every weekend we try to line up some help to get the roof on. So far, still no roof, going to try to get help again next weekend. I don't see any way that Dan and I can do it by ourselves. The last pictures I posted were taken on Labor Day weekend so I'll just date the pictures and you can follow our progress.

9/27/09 - Painted Doors and and trim going on around garage doors

10/5/09 - Interior Framing

10/21/09 - Stairs to Mezzinine storage area

11/6/09 - Steel going up

11/15/09 - More steel but still no roof

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