Thursday, March 12, 2009

Still Playing with "Woody" and friends

When I get into something, I tend to jump in with both feet. After my husband bought me the manikins, I keep trying to think of poses to put him (or them) in. I stopped at the Subaru plant to drop off a package for my contact which put me a few miles from Michael's (Hobby and Craft store). I decided to look around for things to take pictures and ended up getting Woody a flag to salute.

While wandering the aisles I spotted these wooden puzzles in the educational section. I ended up with 3 different ones, the Tarantula, the horse and a deer which I have yet to assemble.

The deer may be in my next post plus whatever else I can think of for Woody to do.


  1. Neat, I like the salute! Is it pretty easy to get "Woody" to stand up by himself?

  2. I saw those puzzles too. I soooo wanted one :o) Woody looks very patriotic

  3. Thanks, His feet are flat and it is pretty easy to get his to stand on his own. I'm having fun with these guys.

  4. I love woody saluting! Very fun photos.
