Sunday, January 4, 2009

Goblets Take 2

While I still had the goblets out, I wanted to try them again with the white background. I haven't decided which I like more. Obviously the white background shows the goblets better but the black is more dramatic. I guess my preference would ultimately depend on the mood I was looking for.


  1. I like this picture as I can really see the goblets much better. A great buy!

  2. Nicely done. They a beautiful goblets. I think I like the white background best especially when viewed at a smaller size.

  3. I like them both.... but the white background really pulls me in & makes them POP!

  4. I agree...the white is nice, but the black is more dramatic.

  5. I like the white best. I wonder what it would look like if you shined a light into the glasses. On black would be very dramatic... Just a thought.

  6. Oh, it is a hard choice, I like them both. You should try black background with either a light shining down on them, or maybe tealight candles in them. They are very cool goblets.
