Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Walk Around the Yard

This morning I looked out my window and noticed that it was snowing, but the tiny, hard to photograph kind so I went back to reading blogs. Later I saw the flakes getting pretty large so I started getting my lens ready by adding on the close-up filters. By the time I finished, the snow had stopped and the sun was coming out. I'm really not that slow, this was all in 5 minutes time. Today's photo would not be more snowflakes.

This afternoon with the sun shining very bright, I decided to take the neighbor's horses a couple of apples to see if they would pose for me - NOT. I snapped a few pix of them, threw the apples (hopefully they will find them) and started looking around. This horse is a pretty paint but those very blue eyes kind of creep me out.

The next picture in where I noticed that the trees did not have snow on the branches, they had a layer of ice up the west side of the whole tree.

OK, I'm freezing by now so I headed for the house, finding "my boys" sitting in the sun by the back door. Prince decided he would pose for me briefly while his brother was being uncooperative.

Now, I'm in and warm again and wanted to get my blog updated so I can get supper started (Fried Chicken) for the crew. Our son is staying with us for now and he has his 3 kids this weekend. And as the sign in my kitchen says -


  1. Great series of shots! I love the cat and horse photo. Pretty horse even with the eyes :-)

  2. Those eyes are kinda creepy. They just don't look natural.

  3. LOVE the kids eat free thats soo cute! And the horse, beautiful...I love horses :)

  4. Cute sign. What a nice trip through your day. You are not the only one...those eyes are odd.

  5. What a fun little tour of your day! Great photos and thanks for sharing!
