Thursday, January 8, 2009

Still Cold and Windy in Purdue Country

I caught a glimpse of sunshine on the way home from work, it only lasted a couple of seconds, but it was enough to make me want to go outside for today's picture. That too also only lasted a few seconds, the temp was in the mid teens and the wind was blowing as usual. If we had a windmill and a generator with batteries to store the electricity we wouldn't need the electric company. It's seems like it's always windy here in Purdue country. So to illustrate that point, here is my windmill in the backyard.


  1. Wow! Judging by the speed of the blades, it's very windy. Nice shot.

  2. Yikes, nothing more biting than a cold wind! Nice photo to capture that concept.

  3. Great motion shot! I love it!! I tried to do that with a windy tree last week but to no avail...

  4. I had intended to show the EXIF data but forgot, so I'll add it here - f 9.5, ISO 100, 1/8 sec shutter speed. Setting the camera for the correct exposure had the shutter speed at 1/350 which froze the blades so I adjusted it to catch the motion.

  5. Excellent capture! I love this one.

  6. Great motion. Cool shot.

  7. I like it showing the motion. And I really like this image, top notch. The dang wind is always blowing here in Nebraska too so I know exactly what you mean.
    You have an awesome blog going, I am really enjoying it!
